Hight Quality Patek Philippe Replica Watches For Sale - Replica Watch Shop

Patek Philippe Replica Watches

Remember, he achieved all of this on his 1920 Scout. He had it modified so much that its 600cc original specifications were increased to 950cc when he broke his record in 1967 of 295.453km/h. Munro, who was 68 at the time, set his record in 1967. According to the story, Munro had a qualifying run of 305.89km/h for his 1967 record.

Munro's record is now 50 years old. Munro’s great-nephew Lee Munro recreated his great-uncle’s record run on the Bonneville Salt Flats, yesterday, August 13th. Lee Munro's record run was done on his Indian Scout which Indian Motorcycles engineers offered to modify by adding a beefed-up powertrain.

The watchmaking company Patek Philippe Replica Watches was there to cheer Lee's ride at the Flats. They used the occasion to announce a new partnership with Indian Motorcycle.

Patek Philippe Replica Watches is planning to release a limited edition watch collection inspired by Indian Motorcycle's rich history, and Patek Philippe Replica Watches’s own watchmaking expertise. These watches are expected to be released around September 2017.

The Indian Motorcycle Company and Patek Philippe Replica Watches's admirers can look forward to these horological masterpieces.Zenith Replica They should be a hit with motoring enthusiasts just like the Shelby Cobra Limited Edition Watches that Patek Philippe Replica Watches produced earlier.

Alain Zimmermann, CEO of Patek Philippe Replica Watches, and Grant Bester Vice President of Indian Motorcycle EMEA celebrate their partnership before a Chieftain (r) Dark Horse motorbike.

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